
Sunday, November 3, 2013


I feel the need to justify this. Many a person has laughed at this tradition, and asked me over and over why I do this to myself, why I put so much time into this, why I would throw my money away, all my hard work, just to do it again next week.

Let's clear the air. TJ Maxx is not a place for "throwing away money", if anything it’s the opposite. Do I spend a lot of money there? Yes. Do I go there almost every week on four hour trips? Yes. But if I spent my money on the same exact thing somewhere else, you can bet that it would be way more expensive. Let me give you an example: the other day I bought a pair of Levis jeans. Perfect fit, no damage to them, and no high price either. If you bought these jeans from the store on the label, you would pay upwards of $48 dollars. I paid $20 at TJ. So, if you want to spend more than double of what I paid, be my guest. I'll be saving.

Okay, so I'm there a lot. You're probably wondering what’s wrong with my life if I'm spending my entire Saturday afternoon at the same store every week. The amazing thing is (for me, and the company as well, I mean, that's how they sucked me in) there are 4 new shipments of new clothing every week. As opposed to your ho-hum stereotypical department store, who gets new merchandise each season, TJ Maxx gets new stuff nonstop. Walk in, and the whole store has new wonders to purchase. 

I guess you could call me a major fan of TJ Maxx, or maybe an addict would be a better term.  Personally, I take pride in the Maxinista side of myself. If you need to see this for yourself, I'd be happy to take you there, and afterwards laugh when you come out a Maxinista too. :)  

(The same jeans I bought, as priced on the Levi's website)
  1. 524™ Skinny Jeans - Fuji Hana - Levi's -

    524™ Skinny Jeans


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