
Saturday, January 11, 2014


when we spoke about my memoir way back when, you told me of a book or article or some sort of work that had to do with humor? Any chance you remember what it is? I think I know what I want now. I think I don't want to write any rigid essay or what not anymore. I want my writing to be funny and I want to be good at it. If you remember that piece, or any other to help me do this, I'd love to know, I don't think we will be learning anything of the sort this year.


  1. Well, there was the "Please Don't Eat the Daisies" essay in your memoir packet by Jean Kerr, which is part of a larger work of the same title. Other humorists: David Sedaris, James Thurber, Nora Ephron. In my closet -- well, not my closet anymore, is it? Humph -- well, in the closet on the right hand side are copies of Russell Baker's Growing Up and Farley Mowat's Never Cry Wolf. Both authors are humorists -- Mowat's a satirist as well. Not sure if you feel comfortable asking to borrow a copy from ...Ms. Kenney? but they are in there. Sorry, we were going to read them this year. Of course, there is also Bryson. I seem to remember you were not a fan, right?

    Hey, if you or anyone has questions going forward, just send me an email on the gmail: It's easier and probably quicker than using the blog in this way. And how are you doing?

    1. Thank you. I'll ask Ms. Kenny about Baker and Mowat or try the library. And maybe Bryson? I wasn't his biggest fan that's for sure. I'm doing okay, it's a weird adjustment, one I'm not too particularly fond of but trying to work with. We switched to her room, and she's focusing on what we write rather then how we write it, which is frustrating to say the least because I needed to learn how to write, and my writing just jumped back to how I wrote sophomore year, which is even more frustrating because I hate how I sound. It could be worse, but then it could be a lot better. Hope you're doing okay.
