
Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Bubblegum and Flifferhuzzas

Wildace Bearchase had explored every mountain and every valley; every stream and every river; every sea and every ocean. He had cataloged every specie known to man, and discovered many others known only to its victims. The Flifferhuzza was one of those species. The head of a Hippo, mane of a lion, flippers of a walrus and body of a bear. Why is this so? No one knows. No one has escaped it and lived. 10 years ago during a hurricane on the coast of Azzuh Reffilf , Wildace was pushing himself to the limit by swinging tree to tree with 200 pounds of bubblegum on his back  (to this day no one knows why this was so)when he saw a bear.  As a proud Bearchase descendant, Wildace felt the need to abruptly stop what he was doing and chase this bear, so he slid down from the vine tree tops to run after it. The second his feet hit the ground, the bear stopped in its track; it had heard Wildace and immediately turned with a roar and a snarling grin. When it turned, Wildace's jaw dropped. This was no bear. This was the Flifferhuzza the old Indian chief Mugelbbub told ancient stories of. It approached. The hurricane by now had hit its climax, the rain pounded down as the wind screeched at Wildace’s ears. In five steps the Flifferhuzza was touching noses with Wildace’s, breathing calmly in comparison to Wildace’s short sporadic breaths. All of a sudden, that fretful grin became a begging smirk as the Flifferhuzza sat back on it hind legs, begging at Wildace. But for what? Wildace looked around, and realized the bubblegum was it. That was his way to safety. He handed over 100 pound of his gum, but the Flifferhuzza made it gone in one gulp. Reluctantly, Wildace handed over the last of it, which, again, was swallowed effortlessly. After proving he had no more multiple time, the Flifferhuzza’s smirk once again became that snarling grin, and Wildace was eaten whole. In one bite.
You might ask how I know this. Well, we Flifferhuzzas have opposable thumbs, did I forget to mention that? The end :)

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