
Saturday, January 11, 2014


when we spoke about my memoir way back when, you told me of a book or article or some sort of work that had to do with humor? Any chance you remember what it is? I think I know what I want now. I think I don't want to write any rigid essay or what not anymore. I want my writing to be funny and I want to be good at it. If you remember that piece, or any other to help me do this, I'd love to know, I don't think we will be learning anything of the sort this year.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Hope is a horrible thing

Hope is a horrible thing.
I didn't know that until now. People always see it as a good thing, they say "things will get better" or "there is still a chance" and so we believe in that sliver of hope and it brings nothing but suffering. It aches. It sinks into your skin and engulfs your thoughts because you tricked yourself into believing in miracles when that miracle is a figment of your imagination. When I walk in the door each day I walk in with my shattered passion for English and immediate despair, because I thought maybe today was the day. Maybe there'd be a poem on the board, or a song playing. Maybe our desks would be fixed. Maybe he'd be sitting at his desk, eating his greek yogurt and drinking that water bottle with the green lid and paper towel around it. But he's not. He's not going to be again. I know this yet that hope of his return still clings to me, and it follows me around and constantly twists my mind into  hurt I have never experienced before.
 I wonder why I'm writing this. I wonder why I feel this way. I wonder if you feel this way, if you can embrace my thoughts  with good and understanding hands. I hope you can. But hope is a horrible thing, because that means understanding hands must have felt what I feel now,  this aching sorrow, and I don't wish it on anyone, but yet I hope that is  so.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

More than your sterotypical Country music: Kacey Musgraves

Okay, so briefly today in class we spoke of country music. Though some country music is solely focused on alcohol, girls, trucks, girls in white tank tops, and sex/ partying, most songs are really so much more. They about the everyday American life that we experience and tell us stories unlike any other genre of music. They brings attention to current issues, yet will also compliment the good things  that life has to offer. I'd like to a show you a counter example to your stereotypes, an artist that I really do enjoy and that I think will change your mind quite quickly. Below I have posted links to two of her songs, please listen and respond, I'd love to hear what you think. =D

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Forbidding the creation and use of Game Apps

Games and recreational activities have been around, well, forever. But with modern technology these activities have been transformed from socially engaging to impatient reflexes. Your classic iPhone apps like Candy Crush, Temple Run, and Angry Birds aren't for amusement anymore. Society uses them to avoid social confrontations at all cost, at dinner, on the train, even waiting in line for coffee. According to Flurry Analytic, 49% of U.S. mobile app consumption is in gaming. This consumption is taking the place of our opportunities to engage with each other, make new friends, make some day a little better. So instead of interacting with our neighbors, our noses are in our phones, trying to knock down a tower of green pigs. Our social skills are deteriorating, you rarely hear a "Hello" or a "Good morning" as you walk by, and I believe this a largely because of these apps that take over our lives and become our priorities. They should therefore have no place in everyday life, so at least some of our day could be shared with others.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Bubblegum and Flifferhuzzas

Wildace Bearchase had explored every mountain and every valley; every stream and every river; every sea and every ocean. He had cataloged every specie known to man, and discovered many others known only to its victims. The Flifferhuzza was one of those species. The head of a Hippo, mane of a lion, flippers of a walrus and body of a bear. Why is this so? No one knows. No one has escaped it and lived. 10 years ago during a hurricane on the coast of Azzuh Reffilf , Wildace was pushing himself to the limit by swinging tree to tree with 200 pounds of bubblegum on his back  (to this day no one knows why this was so)when he saw a bear.  As a proud Bearchase descendant, Wildace felt the need to abruptly stop what he was doing and chase this bear, so he slid down from the vine tree tops to run after it. The second his feet hit the ground, the bear stopped in its track; it had heard Wildace and immediately turned with a roar and a snarling grin. When it turned, Wildace's jaw dropped. This was no bear. This was the Flifferhuzza the old Indian chief Mugelbbub told ancient stories of. It approached. The hurricane by now had hit its climax, the rain pounded down as the wind screeched at Wildace’s ears. In five steps the Flifferhuzza was touching noses with Wildace’s, breathing calmly in comparison to Wildace’s short sporadic breaths. All of a sudden, that fretful grin became a begging smirk as the Flifferhuzza sat back on it hind legs, begging at Wildace. But for what? Wildace looked around, and realized the bubblegum was it. That was his way to safety. He handed over 100 pound of his gum, but the Flifferhuzza made it gone in one gulp. Reluctantly, Wildace handed over the last of it, which, again, was swallowed effortlessly. After proving he had no more multiple time, the Flifferhuzza’s smirk once again became that snarling grin, and Wildace was eaten whole. In one bite.
You might ask how I know this. Well, we Flifferhuzzas have opposable thumbs, did I forget to mention that? The end :)

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Stupid complaints with a teenager

As a heads up, I do not, in fact have a teenage daughter named Regina, nor ever plan on naming my future child Regina, but please do enjoy :) 

Regina is your stereotypical middle school drama queen. You'd think as her Mother I wouldn't say this about her. Whoops. She's a brat, and always has been actually. Again, whoops. She knew this Friday was her grandfather's 60th birthday party, I told her two weeks ago, I remember quite clearly. But according to her, I "Never" told her. Figures.

It started with her walking down the stairs, popping her gum and texting who-knows what, "Hey mom," she opened with. I knew this wasn't going to be good.  "So I'm going to need a ride home from Hannah's party Friday, 'cause Trish said her mom would be too wasted by two A.M to pick us up ha-ha #DUCES " 

Trish's mom works night shifts as a nurse. I bet she told Trish she'd be "wasting" her time picking these two up, not what Regina had told me.

"Regina, listen to me" How else am I supposed to start? There is no other way to start of this conversation. "Friday we are going to Grandpa's party"
She still hadn't looked at me.
"Which means that you can't go to Hannah's party"

Now her head popped up like her gum

"Regina, I let you go to one of Hannah's parties last week "


"You also told Grandpa two weeks ago you would be at his party "


She stormed upstairs before I could say anything else. Whoops.

Sunday, November 3, 2013


I feel the need to justify this. Many a person has laughed at this tradition, and asked me over and over why I do this to myself, why I put so much time into this, why I would throw my money away, all my hard work, just to do it again next week.

Let's clear the air. TJ Maxx is not a place for "throwing away money", if anything it’s the opposite. Do I spend a lot of money there? Yes. Do I go there almost every week on four hour trips? Yes. But if I spent my money on the same exact thing somewhere else, you can bet that it would be way more expensive. Let me give you an example: the other day I bought a pair of Levis jeans. Perfect fit, no damage to them, and no high price either. If you bought these jeans from the store on the label, you would pay upwards of $48 dollars. I paid $20 at TJ. So, if you want to spend more than double of what I paid, be my guest. I'll be saving.

Okay, so I'm there a lot. You're probably wondering what’s wrong with my life if I'm spending my entire Saturday afternoon at the same store every week. The amazing thing is (for me, and the company as well, I mean, that's how they sucked me in) there are 4 new shipments of new clothing every week. As opposed to your ho-hum stereotypical department store, who gets new merchandise each season, TJ Maxx gets new stuff nonstop. Walk in, and the whole store has new wonders to purchase. 

I guess you could call me a major fan of TJ Maxx, or maybe an addict would be a better term.  Personally, I take pride in the Maxinista side of myself. If you need to see this for yourself, I'd be happy to take you there, and afterwards laugh when you come out a Maxinista too. :)  

(The same jeans I bought, as priced on the Levi's website)
  1. 524™ Skinny Jeans - Fuji Hana - Levi's -

    524™ Skinny Jeans
